Betta fish care sheet pdf
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In the late 19th century, selective breeding for fighting ability and fin patterns began, ultimately creating the fish we think of as the betta.When adding fish to any aquarium, be sure to add additional water conditioner to help relieve stress. The best method to add new fish is to float the unopened Betta fish can be housed solo in smaller desktop aquariums or placed in larger com- munity aquariums. A male Betta must be housed individually or be the Siamese Bettas originate in warm water and should always be kept above 18?C. Breeding. These fish are not difficult to breed at home. Females. They have been referred to as Siamese fighting fish due to the male betta's extreme aggressiveness toward other bettas. facts betta care sheet. Page 2. red With proper care a betta fish can live up to four years. HOUSING. DIET. CLEANING. Bettas must be able to breath from the surface of the water. Their long Sometimes called “Siamese Fighting Fish”, bettas belong to the family Osphronemidae, which includes a number of gourami species. They live in shallow pools,
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