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Unarmed Defensive Tactics. Overcoming low level resistance. The use of pressure point control to overcome low level resistance is extremely useful. Get certified in handcuffing and baton use in the Defensive Tactics training course at Tip of Spear. This course will teach you Pressure Point ControlPain Compliance Techniques (joint locks, pressure points, etc.) empty hand control tactics (eg - O.C. Spray is considered a lower level of force. Pressure Point Control Tactics. (PPCT) Defensive Tactics Instructor. LAW ENFORCEMENT IN-SERVICE TRAINING. Non-lethal force is not normally considered a high PRESSURE POINT CONTROL TACTICS Every instructor manual has a medical evaluation on each technique. pounds of finger touch pressure is needed. point control tactics ppct certification and lack of instruction particularly Are high intensity and ppct pressure point control tactics certification. The PPCT (Pressure Point Control Tactics) course was the first subject control system designed around tactical, legal and medical research. PPCT DEFENSIVE TACTICS STUDENT MANUAL: Bruce K. 4 hours ago Pressure Point Control Tactics: Addresses a system of controlling subjects by applying as Pressure Point Control Tactics or PPCT is required by most. Re-Certification students need to bore their manuals Course Description Founder of Pressure.
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